Friday, December 31, 2010

The Best Thing, sebuah lagu yang unik dan interest ^^

The Best Thing

By : Mocca

I've got the best thing in the world
Coz' i got you in my heart
And the screw little word
Let's hold hands together
We can share forever
Maybe someday the sky will be coloured with our love

I wake up in the morning
Feeling emptyness in my heart
This pain is just to real
I dream about you
With someone else
Please say that you love me
That we'll never be apart

You have to promise
That you will be faithfull
And there will be lots and lots of love
It is the thing that really matters in this world

Seneng deh sama lagu ini. Liriknya sederhana banget, udah gitu musiknya enak. Sebenernya lagu ini udah jadul, dirilis sekitar 2-3 tahun yg lalu. Tapi buat didengerin di tahun 2010 atau bahkan 2011 rasanya masih interest.

Selamat Tahun 2011
Kurang 11 jam lagi^^


  1. werrr...i love this song dind...
    terutama i love mocca verry much
    lagu ini gue dedikasikan buat adji tercinta...hahahahahahaha....

  2. wahaha,,kok malah request lagu nih ceritanya -.-
    aku jg suka bgt mb put, lagu2nya mocca so swit2 gtu :D
